
oop-ext introduces the concept of interfaces, common in other languages.

An interface is a class which defines methods and attributes, defining a specific behavior, so implementations can declare that they work with an specific interface without worrying about implementations details.

Interfaces are declared by subclassing oop_ext.interface.Interface:

from oop_ext.interface import Interface

class IDataSaver(Interface):
    Interface for classes capable of saving a dict containing
    builtin types into persistent storage.

    def save(self, data: dict[Any, Any]) -> None:
        """Saves the given list of strings in persistent storage."""

(By convention, interfaces start with the letter I).

We can write a function which gets some data and saves it to persistent storage, without hard coding it to any specific implementation:

def run_simulation(params: SimulationParameters, saver: IDataSaver) -> None:
    data = calculate(params)

run_simulation computes some simulation data, and uses a generic saver to persist it somewhere.

We can now have multiple implementations of IDataSaver, for example:

from oop_ext.interface import ImplementsInterface

class JSONSaver:
    def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None:
        self.path = path

    def save(self, data: dict[Any, Any]) -> None:
        with"w", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
            json.dump(f, data)

And use it like this:

run_simulation(params, JSONSaver(Path("out.json")))

What about duck typing?

In Python declaring interfaces is not really necessary due to duck typing, however interfaces bring to the table runtime validation.

If later on we add a new method to our IDataSaver interface, we will get errors at during import time about implementations which don’t implement the new method, making it easy to spot the problems early. Interfaces also verify parameters names and default values, making it easy to keep implementations and interfaces in sync.


Changed in version 2.0.0.

Interfaces do not check type annotations at all.

It was supported initially, but in practice this feature has shown up to be an impediment to adopting type annotations incrementally, as it discourages adding type annotations to improve existing interfaces, or annotating existing implementations without having to update the interface (and all other implementations by consequence).

It was decided to let the static type checker correctly deal with matching type annotations, as it can do so more accurately than oop-ext did before.

Type Checking

Added in version 1.1.0.

The interfaces implementation has been implemented many years ago, before type checking in Python became a thing.

The static type checking approach is to use Protocols, which has the same benefits and flexibility of interfaces, but without the runtime cost. At ESSS however migrating the entire code base, which makes extensive use of interfaces, is a lengthy process so we need an intermediate solution to fill the gaps.

To bridge the gap between the runtime-based approach of interfaces, and the static type checking provided by static type checkers, one just needs to subclass from both Interface and TypeCheckingSupport:

from oop_ext.interface import Interface, TypeCheckingSupport

class IDataSaver(Interface, TypeCheckingSupport):
    Interface for classes capable of saving a dict containing
    builtin types into persistent storage.

    def save(self, data: dict[Any, Any]) -> None:
        """Saves the given list of strings in persistent storage."""

The TypeCheckingSupport class hides from the user the details necessary to make type checkers understand Interface subclasses.

Note that subclassing from TypeCheckingSupport has zero runtime cost, existing only for the benefits of the type checkers.


Due to how Protocol works in Python, every Interface subclass also needs to subclass TypeCheckingSupport.


Given an interface and an object that implements an interface, you can call GetProxy to obtain a proxy object which only contains methods and attributes defined in the interface.

For example, using the JSONSaver from the previous example:

def run_simulation(params, saver):
    data = calculate(params)
    proxy = GetProxy(IDataSaver, saver)

The proxy object contains a stub implementation which contains only methods and attributes in IDataSaver. This prevents mistakes like accessing a method that is defined in JSONSaver, but is not part of IDataSaver.

Legacy Proxies

With type annotations however, this is redundant: the type checker will prevent access to any method not declared in IDataSaver:

def run_simulation(params: SimulationParameters, saver: IDataSaver) -> None:
    data = calculate(params)

However when adding type annotations to legacy code, one will encounter this construct:

def run_simulation(params, saver):
    data = calculate(params)
    proxy = IDataSaver(saver)

Here “creating an instance” of the interface, passing an implementation of that interface, returns the stub implementation. This API was implemented like this for historic reasons, mainly because it would trick IDEs into providing code completion for proxy as if a IDataSaver instance.

When adding type annotations, prefer to convert that to GetProxy, which is friendlier to type checkers:

def run_simulation(params: SimulationParameters, saver: IDataSaver) -> None:
    data = calculate(params)
    proxy = GetProxy(IDataSaver, saver)

Or even better, if you don’t require runtime checking, let the type checker do its job:

def run_simulation(params: SimulationParameters, saver: IDataSaver) -> None:
    data = calculate(params)


As of mypy 0.812, there’s a bug that prevents GetProxy from being properly type annotated. Hopefully this will be improved in the future.